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Police investigation game

Life size

Game open to all during the castle opening period.

Jeu d'enquête grandeur nature au château des Montgommery de Ducey-Les Chéris
Jeu d'enquête policière "Le Cheval d'Henri II" du château des Montgommery de Ducey-Les Chéris

Who stole the horse
of Henry II?

Level 1 | Child accompanied by an adult

You are part of Henry II's royal guard and he gives you the mission of finding his horse named "Unfortunate".

He disappeared the day before a big tournament.

Your mission calls upon your senses of observation and deduction. Clues have been scattered throughout the castle and a list of suspects is given to you to help you solve this investigation.

Cluedo En-tête V0.jpg
Jeu d'enquête policière "Les Malcontents" du château des Montgommery de Ducey-Les Chéris

The malcontents

Level 2 | Adventure to share with family, friends, colleagues...

The restorer of the cabinet of Venus

is wanted by the police for theft

and concealment of paintings.

Before fleeing in the time machine, he hid the most prestigious of his paintings in the Château de Ducey and defied the police.

to find the latter thanks

to the clues he hid in

the castle.

New puzzles

Murder at the Distillery

Level 3 | Expert +15 years

Following an unsolved murder that took place in the castle's old distillery in 1923, the case is reopened. However, the investigator in charge of this mission has also been murdered.

Your goal is to figure out who killed these two people using your smartphone.

This is the most difficult level of the Ducey Code, it is recommended for people over 15 years old, used to smartphone games.

Jeu d'enquête policière "Meurtre à la distillerie" du château des Montgommery de Ducey-Les Chéris


Full price: €6

Reduced rate: €3 (young people aged 5-18, job seekers)

Child under 5: free

Time: between 1h and 1h30 on average

The minor child must be accompanied by an adult

A vous de jouer !

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